What to Do After an Accident

What to Do After a Car, Truck, or Any Accident

Accidents do happen. An accident can be a very painful event, and the injuries sustained can affect your abilities to think properly. The most crucial thing to know is what to do during these times, and how to protect your interests. Our firm is committed to assisting clients in such a situation, and have prepared a guide in order to better assist you if ever in an accident.

1) Get Help

Stop, and try to remain composed. If necessary, call an ambulance, or have passengers or someone in close proximity do it if you cannot. Never leave the scene of the accident.

2) Notify the Police

If unable to call, drive to your nearest police department and file a report. However, do not leave the scene of the accident without getting the important information discussed below.

3) Get Crucial Information

Obtain all necessary information from the other drivers involved, including:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Driver’s license number
  • Insurance company name and policy number
  • Telephone numbers

Write down all relevant information regarding the vehicle, including:

  • Vehicle make
  • Body type
  • License plate number and issuing state
  • Names of any witnesses and their contact information

4) Take Pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words. If you can, and it is safe, take pictures of the vehicles before they are moved. This can be helpful evidence if the accident caused any injuries. After you get emergency care and are home, remember to take pictures of your injuries – any cuts, bruises or bandages, and any casts.

5) If Injured

Contact a physician, or go to a hospital immediately and seek treatment. Most individuals are concerned about not having any health care coverage, however, if it’s the other driver's fault, your bills may be paid by their insurance company. Our firm will assist in such instances.

6) Notify Your Insurance Company

You must notify your insurance company of the accident. To protect your interests, however, allow our law office to handle all communications with the other driver’s insurance company. Do not speak to the other driver’s insurance company.

7) Protect Your Rights

To protect your rights you must act quickly after a motor vehicle accident. Deciding fault can be complicated. Insurance coverage, and how you will get your medical bills paid, can be very confusing and frustrating. Don’t jeopardize your rights. Call our office-we specialize in injury matters. We offer free consultations and will answer all of your questions.

Injury Lawyers of Illinois can handle your case anywhere in the state. We also advance all costs and expenses, and only collect when we win. We will also help get your vehicle repaired for free.

The information on this page is also available as a downloadable Accident Guide PDF. We recommend printing it out and sticking a copy in your glove box... just in case.